Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Donate Food Today!

The Twin Lakes Food Bank is asking for your help this month.

During the holidays, food donations are very generous, but the Food Bank has seen low donation numbers for October.

If you have any canned foods or packaged goods, they would greatly appreciate the donation.

It’s a difficult time for many right now during the recession. With more people facing unemployment, the food just isn’t staying stocked on the shelves. The Twin Lakes Food Bank feeds more than 2,300 people each month.

So help this worthy cause today and drop off some food. Or get others involved and start a drive in your work office!

Support this worthy organization that serves the community!

They especially need:

Canned Soup
Canned Main Dish; stew, ravioli, tamales, spagettio's
Canned fruit
Canned Vegetables
Canned tuna
Canned Meat
Mac n Cheese
Tomato Sauce
Spaghetti Sauce
Crackers for Soup
Peanut Butter
Noodle & Rice packaged side dishes

For more information, visit twinlakesfoodbank.org.

Blog post by Chloe Daley, Style Intern. 
Photo from twinlakesfoodbank.org. 

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