Thursday, January 10, 2013

Folsom Lake College to Hold Informational Meeting on Intercollegiate Women's Soccer

The community is invited to attend an informational meeting Wednesday, January 23, about a potential intercollegiate women's soccer program being established at Folsom Lake College.

The meeting will be held from 4-7p.m., in room PE-203 in the Physical Education building on the Folsom campus (10 College Parkway, Folsom).

The purpose of the meeting is twofold: to share information about a potential intercollegiate women's soccer program being created at the college while logging formal interest in participation from current and prospective students and gathering feedback from the community. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting during the entire three-hour period and they can offer their input throughout that time.

No RSVP is necessary. For more information, the community can contact Jeanne Northrop at (916) 608-6687.

For more information about Folsom Lake College, please visit

Blog Post information and picture courtesy of Folsom Lake College.

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