Monday, February 14, 2011

Save the date to support the band!

If you think you are done with crab feeds for the year... think again.

The Granite Bay High School Emerald Brigade Band Boosters is hosting its third annual ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT crab and pasta dinner.

All we can say is ... Yum!

Plus, you'll get to hear the students play some tunes throughout the evening and bid on silent auction items and perhaps even win a raffle prize.

The funds raised through the event will help support the ongoing operating expenses of the Emerald Brigade, including instruments, instructors’ stipends, and parade and field show competition

WHEN: Saturday, March 12
WHERE: Faith Center Lutheran Church, 6365 Douglas Blvd., Granite Bay
TIME: 6-10 p.m.
COST: $40 per person
CONTACT: For tickets, donations, sponsorships, or general information contact
Keith or Kim Burson @ 797-2249 or

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