Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Art of Real Food Cookbook Launch

Please join Bushnell Gardens Nursery along with Com­mu­nity 1st Bank of Roseville and the Placer Breast Can­cer Endow­ment on Sun­day, May 6th from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm as they host The Art of Real Food 2012 cook­book launch with Joanne Neft and Laura Kenny.

Bushnell's will be gath­er­ing all of their heir­loom gar­den plants and herbs for you, to inspire you to cre­ate a home gar­den. To take time to pause for the pos­si­bil­ity of fresh gar­den veg­eta­bles being served at your table.

They will also be host­ing the fol­low­ing vendors:

Snow's Cit­rus Court showcasing all of their arti­san prod­ucts made from fam­ily devel­oped recipes, using only nat­ural ingre­di­ents and cit­rus raised on their New­cas­tle, Cal­i­for­nia farm.

Lone Buf­falo Vine­yards will be pour­ing wine crafted from their vine­yards that have been planted with Zin­fan­del, Syrah, Tem­pranillo, San­giovese and Viognier.

Smokey Ridge Char­cu­terie is bring­ing Cal­i­for­nia raised, all-natural, high-quality meat and local pro­duce and herbs from their farm, Smokey Ridge Ranch. They will be serving beau­ti­fully pre­pared meats, condi­ments and entrees.

They are also pleased to announce cook­books will be on sale with the authors sign­ing and talk­ing all things Real Food and in-season cook­ing.

As they cel­e­brate, Bushnell's also will be donat­ing part of the pro­ceeds from the sales of the cook­books to ben­e­fit the Placer Breast Can­cer Endow­ment and can­cer sur­vivors. Their com­mu­nity of activists are com­mit­ted to fully fund­ing the Breast Can­cer Endowed Chair at the UC Davis Can­cer Cen­ter and Bushnell Gardens Nursery is grate­ful to be a small part of this commitment.

For more information visit

Blog Post information and picture courtesy of Bushnell Gardens Nursery.

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