Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sierra Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitates Wild Animals in Need

Sierra Wildlife Rescue, based out of Placerville in El Dorado County, appreciates the rescuers of orphaned or injured wild mammals and birds more than they can say! They could not do their job without the kind and compassionate members of the public who call them when they find an animal in need.

Wild babies, particularly, are adorable, and it is understandable that it is tempting to want to care for them, but please do not attempt to rehabilitate a wild animal yourself, as it takes special training to ensure success.  The animal is likely to expire in the hands of an inexperienced person, and the first few hours of care are absolutely critical to its survival. In addition, it is illegal in California for anyone other than a licensed wildlife rehabber to keep a wild animal until it can be returned to the wild, or for anyone to keep one as a pet.

If you find an orphaned or injured wild mammal or bird, it is important to call SWR immediately at 530-621-4661 to reach an experienced rehabber for that species. If you find an orphaned or injured nestling or fledgling bird in May through July, call 530-621-2020, and their Baby Bird Nursery will be glad to care for it.

All of these little critters deserve the best possible care they can receive, which the rehabbers at Sierra Wildlife Rescue are extensively trained to provide.  Thank you for helping SWR save wild animals in need!

For more information about Sierra Wildlife Rescue visit

Blog Post information and picture courtesy of Sierra Wildlife Rescue.

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