Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DiMariano Family Dentistry Presents: Operation Gratitude Candy Buy Back

DiMariano Family Dentistry presents Operation Gratitude Candy Buy Back. How much is your Halloween candy worth?

This year Dr. DiMariano is teaming up with Operation Gratitude to collect candy for the troops overseas and prevent cavities in our kids. They are asking you and the community to help them send our troops a sweet treat and taste of home. They will be collecting candy on November 2nd from 2-4 p.m. At that time, they will have cards available to sign for the troops, raffle prizes and cash for your candy, of course! If you can’t make it that day they are happy to accept your donation anytime during office hours from now until November 6th, but no cash will be given at those times.

They will pay $1 per pound (up to 5 lbs) for your unopened Halloween candy. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Candy will be collected at DiMariano Family Dentistry, located at 900 E. Bidwell St., Ste 400, in Folsom

For more information you can call their their office at 916-983-6655 or go to their website, You can also find out more about Operation Gratitude at

Blog Post information and picture courtesy of DiMariano Family Dentistry.

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1 comment:

  1. How sweet! This will surely melt our troops' lonely hearts when they receive the gifts that we wholeheartedly prepare for them. They would also know how grateful we are for what they are doing for us.
