Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Friends Of The Folsom Library Book Sale — Prices Lower Than Ever!

The bargains readers enjoy at the Friends of the Folsom Library used-book sales will get even better. At its next biannual sale, March 21-23 at the Folsom Library, the Friends will lower some of its already rock-bottom prices even more: Hardback and trade fiction (large softcover) books will be just $1.

All other items will remain at their standard low prices: hardback nonfiction $2; nonfiction trade books $1.50, small paperbacks 75 cents each or three for $2; children’s books 50 cents. Some exceptional items may be specially marked.

The sale begins with a preview night Friday, March 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission is $5 for the opportunity to choose from the best selection (Friends members get in free). Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23, will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with free admission for all on both days. Sunday is the Friends’ popular "bag day" – grocery-size bags filled with books are just $5 each.

All the books available at the sale are donations in good condition. The Friends is a nonprofit corporation whose sole mission is to support the Folsom Public Library. In the past two decades, the Friends has given more than a quarter-million dollars for library materials and activities. Last year, the group provided the funds to replace all the public computers, which are free for patrons’ use.

Most of the Friends’ funds are raised through its book sales and its bookstore inside the library. Every penny donated to the Friends benefits the Folsom Library.

For more information, visit or email

Blog Post information and picture courtesy of Friends of the Folsom Library.

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