Friday, February 18, 2011

Scholarship Opportunities!

Attention Oak Ridge and Ponderosa High School Seniors!

The El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce is offering scholarships to graduating those seniors planning on attending a university, college or vocational school.

El Dorado Hills Chamber members! Every time they purchase raffle tickets at the monthly mixer all of the proceeds go to the Chamber’s scholarship fund. Thank You!

If you know a graduating senior from Oak Ridge or Ponderosa High who may be interested, applications are available in the career centers of both Oak Ridge and Ponderosa High Schools, as well as in the Chamber office and online at in the Community Newsletter.

Applications are due at the El Dorado Hills Chamber office by April 1.
WHERE: 2085 Vine Street, Suite 105, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vote Now for the Style Person of the Year Awards!

Style Magazine wants to celebrate ordinary people doing extraordinary things in our community, so we've developed the Style Magazine "Person of the Year" Award!

You recently nominated your local heroes...and now it's time to vote on the finalist nominees to determine the Style Person of the Year!

Click here to vote now!

The winners will be announced in our May issues and appear on the covers of the Style Magazines!

Voting ends on April 1st, but don't now!

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Auditions for Disney's Mulan Jr!

Do you have a little budding star?

If so, save the date because the McLaughlin Theatre Company is hosting auditions for Disney's Mulan Jr. (the musical).

They are looking for youth ages 6-14. Your child should prepare 16 bars of any song choice, preferably a Broadway musical, or up to one minute of a karaoke instrumental track.

Those auditioning should arrive 30 minutes prior to the times to fill out paperwork and their photo taken.

There is a tuition fee and required parent volunteer hours.

Performance dates are scheduled May 13th-15th.

March 3 - 3:30-5 p.m.
March 5 - 2- 5 p.m.

Call 916-652-6377 to schedule a time slot and get more information.

Sounds like it will be a great show!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Save the date to support the band!

If you think you are done with crab feeds for the year... think again.

The Granite Bay High School Emerald Brigade Band Boosters is hosting its third annual ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT crab and pasta dinner.

All we can say is ... Yum!

Plus, you'll get to hear the students play some tunes throughout the evening and bid on silent auction items and perhaps even win a raffle prize.

The funds raised through the event will help support the ongoing operating expenses of the Emerald Brigade, including instruments, instructors’ stipends, and parade and field show competition

WHEN: Saturday, March 12
WHERE: Faith Center Lutheran Church, 6365 Douglas Blvd., Granite Bay
TIME: 6-10 p.m.
COST: $40 per person
CONTACT: For tickets, donations, sponsorships, or general information contact
Keith or Kim Burson @ 797-2249 or

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Look no further than the Style Magazines Resource Guides!

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